Muldrow Elementary School announces preenrollment for new students who will be starting PK-3, PK-4, and Kindergarten in August.
The pre-enrollment dates will be March 1113 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. in the Pre-K Building and 2 – 5 p.m. in the front office.
There is no need to pre-enroll if your child currently attends this site. There will be no income requirements.
PK-3 spots are limited and will be filled with students in our district first and then it will be on a first come/first served basis.
To enroll a child, the parent must bring the child’s original/copy birth certificate, current shot record, Social Security Card, CDIB Card (if applicable), Parent/ Guardian ID, and Address Verification (utility bill).
By Sept. 1, the child must be 3 years old for PK-3, 4 years for PK-4, and 5 years for Kindergarten.
The State requires the following shots before a child may enter school.
To enroll in Pre-K, the students must have the following shots: four DTaP, three Polio, one MMR, three Hep B, two Hep A, and one Varicella.
To enroll in Kindergarten, they must have five DTaP, four Polio, two MMR, three Hep B, two Hep A, and one Varicella.
For additional info, contact Muldrow Elementary at 918-4273316.