Sen. Warren Hamilton, R-McCurtain, has secured committee approval for Senate Bills 448, 603, and 869.
Senate Bill 448 was unanimously approved by the Senate Agriculture and Wildlife Committee.
The measure aims to ensure resident hunters have priority access to Oklahoma’s Wildlife Management Areas by requiring non-resident hunters to obtain a permit from the Department of Wildlife Conservation before hunting in Oklahoma’s Wildlife Management Areas or federal wildlife refuges.
The measure also provides that the cost of the permit is not to exceed $100.
“Outdoorsmanship is an integral part of Oklahoma’s culture, history, and way of life,” Hamilton said. “This legislation will ensure that residents of our state are able to fully utilize and enjoy our Wildlife Management Areas without the challenges of overcrowding or depleted resources and game. I look forward to continuing work on this legislation to ensure Oklahomans have primary access to our WMAs, while still allowing outdoor enthusiasts from neighboring states to enter the established lottery system and enjoy Oklahoma’s abundant hunting lands.”
The Senate Judiciary Committee unanimously approved Senate Bill 603, which requires any action brought as a result of disputes relating to repairs or improvements made on real property or fixtures attached to real property to be brought in the county where the real property is located.
“This legislation will ensure that both contractors and clients can seek justice without the inconvenience of traveling to another county for legal proceedings, making it easier for all parties involved to resolve disputes efficiently and fairly,” Hamilton said.
Senate Bill 869 was approved by the Senate Public Safety Committee. The measure raises the crime of prostitution from a misdemeanor to a felony and provides that those found guilty may face up to two years of imprisonment and up to $3000 in fines.
“This measure will be a tool we will use to squash the sex trade industry and improve public safety across our state. This is a critical step toward protecting vulnerable individuals, and sending a strong message that our state will not tolerate exploitation, human trafficking or other associated crimes.” Hamilton added.
Senate Bill 448 is being carried in the House of Representatives by Rep. Jim Grego, R-Wilburton. Rep. Tim Turner, R-Kinta, is serving as the House author of Senate Bills 603 and 869.
“I’m excited to collaborate with these great lawmakers as we work together to advance these key pieces of legislation,” Hamilton said.
The three measures are now eligible for consideration by the full Senate.