WAGONER — Three Roland Youth League Wrestling members placed at the 2025 Bulldog Open, which took place Feb. 8.
Two members — Zaiden Jones (160 pounds) and Kacen Copeland (120 pounds) — were among the champions in the age 12-and-younger division.
Matthew McGhee was second at 130 pounds in the age 12-and-younger division.
Rayen Tally (98 pounds, age 15-andyounger division) and Tommy Greschke (106, age 15-and-younger) each one a match.
Truex Goode (70 pounds, age 8-andyounger division), Carson Conway (43 pounds, age 8-and-younger), Evan Waltermire (52, age 10-and-younger), Logan Waltermire (140, age 15-and-younger), Devon Burrows (155, age 15-and-younger) and Madison Hall (110, girls age 15-and-younger) fell short in all their matches wrestled.