The Muldrow Public School Board of Education convened on Oct. 14 for its regular monthly meeting, where they voted to accept the 2023-24 annual audit report and the approval of the Strong Readers Plan for the upcoming school year.
The meeting, led by Board President Darrin Phelps, commenced with the acceptance of the annual audit presented by Eric Bledsoe, a representative from Bledsoe, Hewett & Gullekson. Board members unanimously voted to accept the audit, underscoring the district’s commitment to financial transparency.
In a swift session, the board also approved several consent agenda items, including resignations from three staff members: Shane Gage, Jean James and Celeste Wasson, and various encumbrances totaling over $160,000 for the 2024-25 school year. Joann Batt was also approved as a substitute teacher for the remainder of the school year.
Superintendent Angela Williams provided updates on the October school calendar and student counts, while also discussing the district’s bond numbers.
The board decided to postpone the construction of a new concession building near the Don Morton Animal Science Building until proper plans are secured. Additionally, they agreed to the establishment of a new activity fund account for the Cross Country program.
In a significant move to support student literacy, the board approved the Strong Readers Plan, aimed at enhancing reading skills among students.
Following an executive session, the meeting concluded with a motion to hire several paraprofessionals and a cook on temporary contracts for the current school year, along with a maintenance labor and substitute bus driver contract. Jo Graham, Kayla Davis and Barbara Cossey were all hired as paraprofessionals, Cindy Branscum as a teacher assistant, Christina Acton as cook, and Larry Edwards for maintenance labor and substitute bus driver.
The board also considered a School Resource Officer (SRO) program but chose to table the discussion for further evaluation.
They did, however, approve the allocation of office space for a representative from the Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (CLEET).
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.