Coloring book Crayons Markers Kleenex Blanket Sleeping mat Paint dobbers Crayon box Paint Backpack without wheels 2-Folders
Ms. Strassle’s Pre-K Backpack
2-Poly prong-folders Kindermat (no covers on mats) Blunt tip scissors Pack of glue sticks Crayola crayons
(24-count preferred) Washable markers Paint daubers Pack of Ziplock baggie (gallon or quart size) Pack of baby wipes *Make sure to always have a change of clothes in backpack*
Mrs. Kelsie’s Pre-K
24-pack of crayons
1-10-pack of markers
1-Extra change of clothes in Ziploc bag
1-Regular sized backpack (no wheels)
1-Pocket folder
1-Kindermat or yoga mat 1-Small blanket
1-Coloring book Family picture or picture of child
Mrs. Ayres Kindergarten
1-Pencil box
3-Boxes of crayons Scissors Headphones (no earbuds) 2-Plastic folders
1-Set of colored pencils Backpack
1-Box of gallon Ziploc bags Coloring book Water bottle
1-Bottle of Elmer’s liquid glue *Put your child’s name on all supplies. We’ll not pass them all out once.*
Mrs. Stephanie’s Kindergarten
Standard sized backpack-no wheels 1-Package of #2 pencils
2-Boxes of standard size crayons Glue sticks
1-Pair of scissors
1-Supply box
2 -Two-pocket plastic folders
1-Primary handwriting journal
1-Paint/bing dabber (except black)
1-Coloring book
1-Box of gallon-sized Ziploc bags
1-Box of tissues Water bottle
1-Pair of headphones (no earbuds) Optional: 1 pair of blue light blocking glasses *Label all supplies with your child’s name.*
First Grade
Backpack (no wheels)
3-Large pink erasers
3-Crayola crayons (24 count) 1-Package of markers
6-Glue sticks
1-Package of pencils Scissors
1-School box
1-Spark Creative imagine or Mead primary journal K-2 Over the ear headphones Watercolors
Second Grade
Backpack (no wheels)
1-One subject spiral notebook
1-Mead primary journal K-2
1-Pkg. of pencil top erasers
2-Boxes of 24-count Crayola crayons
1-Pkg. of colored pencils
1-School box
1-Large pkg. of #2 pencils 1-Plastic folder
10-Glue sticks
1-Pair of scissors Earphones (preferably over the ear)
Third Grade
3-Composition notebooks (old school style, black and white cover, no spiral)
2-Folders with prongs
1-School box to hold supplies
2-Large erasers
20-Glue sticks (they don’t last long)
1-Box of wooden pencils Something to color with (crayons or markers)
1-Set of Crayola water colors (other brands don’t last/paint well)
4-Black dry erase markers
4-Black Sharpies Inexpensive headphones or earbuds Optional: Cheap paper plates or gallon storage bags
Fourth Grade
1-Composition notebook 1-School box to hold supplies
2-Pkgs. of pencil top erasers
2-Pkgs. of glue sticks
1-Glue bottle
2-Pkgs. of Ticonderoga wood pencils
1-Box of 24-count crayons
4-Black dry erase markers
4-Black Sharpies Headphones or earbuds 1-Set of index cards Loose leaf paper
2-1” binders Small pack of colored pencils Small pack of highlighters Optional: Cheap paper plates or gallon storage bags
Fifth Grade
1-Box washable markers 1-Box colored pencils
1-Pkg. pencils (they will need more throughout the year)
1-Pkg. pencil top eraser
1-Expo marker
2-Black Sharpies
2-Glue sticks
1-Pkg. multicolor highlighters Small pkg. sheet protectors Headphones School box
1-Pair large/adult scissors 2-1” binders
2-Pocket folders
1-Pkg. pens
1-Pkg. wide ruled loose leaf paper
4-Wide ruled notebooks
Sixth Grade
3-Single subject notebooks 3-Pkgs. of notebook paper
4-Pkgs. of #2 pencils
2-Pkgs. of red pens Pencil top erasers Crayons or markers Small package of highlighters (variety of colors)
Seventh Grade Pencils Loose leaf paper Notebooks Colored pencils Crayons Grid paper
1” binder School box
Eighth Grade Pencils Loose leaf paper Notebooks Colored pencils Crayons Grid paper
1” binder School box