Eastern Oklahoma Development District Area Agency on Aging announces availability of Older Americans Act Title III Funding. Grants are for a 12-month period. Funding begins July 1 – June 30, 2025.
This is not for individuals.
Bid proposals are being accepted for the following services to be provided to persons age 60 years and older in: Adair, Cherokee, McIntosh, Muskogee, Okmulgee, Sequoyah and Wagoner Counties.
Nutrition (Congregate and Home-delivered Meals, Nutrition Counseling and Education); National Family Caregiver Support Program; Outreach Services; In-home and Chore Services; and Transportation in Muskogee County only Bid packets available Jan. 26, for pickup at the EODD office located at 1012 N 38th St., Muskogee, or mailed upon request.
To be considered for funding, a representative from bidder agency/organization is required to attend the Proposers’ Conference on Friday, Feb. 16, at 9:30 a.m. at EODD. Facility is ADA accessible.
Bid proposal closing date is March 11, at noon. Contact Stacy Nicholson, AAA Planner, at 918913-9584 or email snicholson@ eoddok.org with questions or to request a bid packet.
Interpreter services available upon request. Please provide advanced notice if interpreter services are needed.