Lockwood hired to finish out the remaining school year
During the regular monthly meeting of the Roland Board of Education on Nov. 15, the board members accepted the resignation of the current Ag teacher/advisor, and voted to bring back former longtime Ag instructor Myron Lockwood, who retired in May.
In a significant personnel development, the board approved the resignation of Joshua Gilstrap, FFA Agriculture Instructor/Advisor. The motion was made by Ronnie Hemphill and seconded by Charles Howard, with unanimous approval.
Following, an executive session was called by Howard to discuss employment opportunities, specifically for the FFA Agriculture Instructor/Advisor position. The executive session reportedly lasted from 6:15 to 7:13 p.m. and no official votes or actions were taken during the confidential discussion.
Under new business, Superintendent Lori Wiggins requested action to hire Lockwood as Ag Ed Instructor for the re- mainder of the 2023-24 school year, a motion that was made by Board President Kevin Flurry and seconded by Hemphill, with unanimous approval.
Minutes from the Oct. 9 and Nov. 7 meetings were read by Wiggins and subsequently approved. The board then moved on to several key agenda items.
A notable resolution was passed with Howard moving to approve and sign the Resolution of Board of Education to County Election Board (SBE 10) to call for an election on Board Seat #4, currently held by Jerry Brooks. The motion was seconded by Hemphill and unanimously approved.
Additionally, Flurry proposed and received approval for 2024 school board meeting dates, enhancing the board’s ability to plan and coordinate future activities.
The board was presented with the annual Dropout Report for the 2022-23 school year and the annual Student College Remediation Report
by Tyler.
Upon returning to open session, the board addressed various matters. Hemphill moved to approve bids for the purchase and lease/purchase options on new buses, a motion seconded by Utah Everett and approved unanimously.
The board also approved School Organization Fundraiser Forms for two different initiatives, one for popcorn sales and the other for the sale of old cheerleader uniforms.
Financial matters were also addressed, with Everett moving to approve various fund encumbrances, monthly activity fund reports, and payroll reports for the General Fund, Building Fund, Co-Op Fund, and more.
The meeting concluded at 7:45 p.m. with a motion to adjourn made by Howard, seconded by Everett, and unanimously approved by all board members present.
This news story is based on the unofficial minutes from the board meeting and could be in error if the minutes are changed prior to adoption.