The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline, a program of the Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET), is offering Oklahomans who want to quit tobacco a special opportunity. Beginning May 1, Oklahomans who sign up for the Helpline will get at least eight weeks of patches, gum or lozenges for free. This limited time offer of extra nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) runs through June 30.
The Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline offers Oklahomans the opportunity to quit with free, personalized help. With services including text, phone and web Coaching and support, patches, gum, lozenges and more, the Helpline gives all Oklahomans the tools to live tobacco free.
“We know that NRT is an important tool for those making a quit attempt,” said Paola Klein, interim operations director of the Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline. “I’m pleased that the Helpline is able to provide these additional weeks of NRT to all Oklahomans at no cost.”
The Helpline has traditionally offered at least two weeks of free nicotine replacement therapy. By building a plan to quit with the Helpline and fighting cravings with the NRT options provided, Oklahomans can double their chances of successfully quitting tobacco. TSET has funded the Helpline since 2003, and in that time, more than 490,000 Oklahomans have signed up to receive services and build a plan that serves their needs.
Call 1-800-QUIT NOW (1-800-7848669), text READY to 34191 or visit OKhelpline. com to explore the free services and resources available to Oklahomans. You can also connect with the Helpline through Facebook or by following @ OKhelpline on Twitter and Instagram.